Famous Because YOUTUBE Yes that's possible sentence that could be associated onsituationfor some time in INDONESIA.why so , becausemore and morepeople today are known for their videos uploaded to Youtube . Asthe following examples that may still be remembered by mostpeople INDONESIA, Sprott & JoJo with lipsing song KEONG RACUN them, aninmate with the title song Andai Aku Gayus Tambunan, And the song Udin majenun UDIN SEDUNIA
They are reckless and capital only exists in the creative can find success because of their videos on YOUTUBE the subject ofconversation of people, and spread rapidly to be covered in the media.
So if you dare to try it after seeing they can succeed and succeed.Try and see for yourself the wonders of YOUTUBE
Here are some videos on Youtube they are successful.
I separate them in some category:
I separate them in some category:
Comedy Category
lipsing Category
For More Video Search on Youtube
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