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Social Networking Sites Beating Out SEOs in Web Traffic.
Search engine optimization (SEO) provides a gateway for companies to help bring massive amounts of web traffic to their website. However, this has shifted towards social networking. Facebook is the most heavily trafficked social networking site with over 325 million users worldwide. Statistics from these social networking websites regarding the amount of web traffic is increasingly remarkable.
AOL, MSN and Yahoo have received approximately 13 percent of their web traffic from Facebook alone while Google has only delivered about 7 percent to these websites. Professional SEOs will tell you to focus on search engines and search engine optimization but with these statistics, it has become increasingly important to use social networks websites such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter in order to market a company's website and their products to increase web traffic.
According to research, just about anyone that uses the net is using no less than one social network with most people visiting them on a daily basis. With so many people using these social networking websites, they have become extremely important to Internet Marketing. Internet Marketing is a part of a diverse multi-layered business marketing-platform that is essential in today's business world. Search engines are a key platform in increasing website traffic nevertheless the statistics are wavering towards social networking.
In the United States approximately 25 percent of all web traffic starts from a social networking websites. This is a combined total from all social network websites. Social networking websites allow users to add favorites, friends, followers, links, photos, quotes, recommendations, searches, tweets, and videos. In recent years, these networking sites have begun to challenge search engines. Social networking websites are starting to push search engines out completely. The internet is forever changing and internet users are learning to adjust to it.
With social networking websites receiving a vast amount of traffic each day, they have become an excellent source for target market strategy. It is important to watch for crucial customers that competitors are following and try to build a connection with them.
To ensure a complete online marketing success for a business it is important to apply more than one online marketing strategy. By using a number of online marketing techniques, it will guarantee that the business will mature into sales leads as well as help to reach a larger scope of potential customers therefore increasing a business's online presence. Social network sites can increase a business's online presence.
Opening a social networking account is easy to do. It is important to include a link to your website. In addition, it is important to connect all company social networking websites to social bookmarking sites in order to make updating the businesses accounts easier and more convenient.
Making use of social networking websites can increase a company's web traffic as these statistics show that it is becoming ideal to use these websites in the future. Social networking websites are easy to use. They can help you market yourself or your website in addition to seeing the web traffic current statistics. In order to achieve an effective Internet Marketing strategy, social networking marketing ought to be number one on your list.
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